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TRACS Discussion Forum Alternative

During the beginning of my webinars I always discuss the importance of the many affordable housing resources we have and as part of that discussion, is the TRACS Discussion Forum. I talk about how great it is as a resource for everyone in our industry. Well I have been very frustrated that the resource we […]

MOR’s are imminent, are you ready?

Contract Administrators (CA’s) are about to ramp up on the Management Occupancy Reviews (MOR’s), are you ready?

The MOR’s will be starting up again real soon for all states and you know they’re going to be killer after not being completed for several years – This is why it’s necessary to get a head start […]

Tenant Consent to Disclose EIV Income Info

As a property manager working in the affordable housing industry, how can I prevent the sharing of EIV reports during the tenants recertification interview when all household members are present?

For instance; Unless consent is provided by the individual family member all information must be kept private. during the recertification interview. this means that a […]

Another Completed Affordable Housing File Audit

Undergoing a file audit on your Section 8 property is a major undertaking. I think some folks are a bit nervous about somebody coming to “check their work.” Nobody likes to have their work criticized. But honestly the focus or the thoughts should be…”I’m finally having somebody check my files to make sure I didn’t […]

Performing the HUD Required Annual Recertification Interviews

Since section 8 Owner/Agents are required to complete an annual recertification for each tenant family, it is important to realize that there are key differences between the annual recertification interview and the one performed when they first apply for affordable housing. At the Application interview Owners/Agents gather more data than at annuals (for example, all […]

AHTCS, LLC provides HUD Section 8 file audit and file reviews

AHTCS, LLC will perform a complete HUD Section 8 file audit of your resident files to determine errors, weaknesses, lapses in performance, missing or inadequate documentation, etc. Upon completion of the file audit, we will complete all required corrective actions that must be completed to correct the Errors/Findings. The file audit is based on the […]

Revised EIV Notice 2011-21 Issued – August 19, 2011

Housing Notice 2011-21, Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System, was issued today, August 19, 2011. This Notice supersedes Notices H 2008-03, H 2009-20, and H 2010-10.

Read on for the summary of changes:


What should be included in the EIV “Master File?”

Let us discuss which EIV reports should be maintained in the file. There is no doubt that HUD’s RHIIP initiative (through EIV) has done a great job to reduce over-payments and underpayments to HUD. On the other hand, a great responsibility has been added to the O/A in regard to HUD reporting. I must say, […]