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Tenant Consent to Disclose EIV Income Info

As a property manager working in the affordable housing industry, how can I prevent the sharing of EIV reports during the tenants recertification interview when all household members are present?

For instance; Unless consent is provided by the individual family member all information must be kept private. during the recertification interview. this means that a […]

CA’s obligation to reconcile the Voucher with the property

In the past year or so I have had two clients who after several months of having their vouchers revised by their CA, were not given any reason for the revision and when they inquired as to why their voucher was revised they were simply told to “figure it out on their own”. I got […]

Hello affordable housing industry

Welcome to AHTCSOnline. This is our first post. The purpose of this blog will be to field comments or questions from clients and friends in the HUD affordable housing industry. We hope that this will be informative and I will try real hard to keep things up to date when there are any announcements from […]