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Prohibition of inquiries on sexual orientation or gender identity in Subsidized Housing

Remember that for affordable housing, it is not mandatory for a person who does not want to indicate their sexuality/orientation and may leave the M/F field blank. According to 24 CFR 5.105(a)(2)(ii):

(ii) Prohibition of inquiries on sexual orientation or gender identity. No owner or administrator of HUD-assisted or HUD-insured housing, approved lender in an […]

When a Section 8 Tenant Dodges Income

One of the goals of HUD’s RHIIP initiative is to reduce over payments and underpayments which they have done through the Enterprise Income Verification system (EIV). The creation of the EIV system has really helped in the recovery of HUD funds for those over-payments of HUD subsidy. My feeling is that the EIV system was […]

Exercising a Reasonable Accommodation in HUD Multifamily

What do we do as affordable housing Owners/Property managers of a Section 8 property when an Applicant requests a “Reasonable Accommodation” and it turns out the applicant fabricated the need just so they could have a larger unit? Here is a story of how


The ADA Guidelines Requiring Pool Lifts in HUD Subsidized Property

I had a client email me to ask if he was required by the ADA compliance to install a pool lift;

“One of our properties is in the process of building a pool which will open in May. It is a Tax Credit property. Do we have to install a lift chair due to the […]

There are no Vacancies for Sexual Predators in Affordable Housing

There is no doubt about it, I am a “News Hound”. I watch the news all of the time. One of the most gripping headlines always includes how a woman or a child was assaulted by a sexual predator. MSNBC has even created a long going documentary called “To Catch a Predator”.

I have […]

Landlord Refuses to Rent to a Woman with Children

I recently read the most appalling article where HUD brought charges to the owner of a five-unit apartment building in Lebanon, NH, for violating the Fair Housing Act because the landlord allegedly refused to rent one of the units to a family with children. HUD is pursuing these charges on behalf of a mother with […]

Choosing the right affordable housing software vendor

Selecting the right affordable housing software vendor is a task which, in my opinion, is like shopping for a new car. How much do you have to spend? Do you want just a car? Do you want an SUV? Or do you need a truck? Once you pick the type of vehicle you want, then […]

Renters’ Insurance for all Section 8 Tenants

Notice to all tenants: Your affordable housing property owner’s insurance policy will not cover your losses due to theft or damage.

Renters’ insurance is one of the best investment a tenant could make and it’s very inexpensive. It covers you when there is loss due to theft or damage caused by other people or natural […]