504 Coordinator Class Description ($175.00/person): I have learned through experience that, if you are proactive in making your property and the programs you offer accessible, folks who are elderly or disabled, applying for housing or current residents can hope that they too can enjoy a barrier-free home/community and access to the activities and services that you provide. Any housing provider (receiving federal funds) who employees 15 or more people, must designate a Section 504 Coordinator. Regulations require at least one person to be designated “to coordinate” its efforts to comply with the Section 504 requirements. This designee will be your corporation’s “consultant” regarding the disability rights for employees, applicant and residents and they must be very knowledgeable of their responsibilities. In addition, this person should review policies, procedures and forms involving effective communications, reasonable accommodations, and reasonable modifications for employees, applicants and residents with disabilities. This on-line webinar addresses all of the topics below with a simplistic approach to making your property and the programs you offer accessible for folks who are elderly or disabled, or who are applying for housing or current residents in the hope that they too can enjoy a barrier-free home/community and access to the activities and services that you provide. Key Section 504 Class Topics
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. " Spend your money wisely by attending our on-line class which covers the most important aspects of these Section 504 requirements and learn why it is so important to understand a tenant's "Reasonable Accommodation" request.