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Tenant Consent to Disclose EIV Income Info

As a property manager working in the affordable housing industry, how can I prevent the sharing of EIV reports during the tenants recertification interview when all household members are present?

For instance; Unless consent is provided by the individual family member all information must be kept private. during the recertification interview. this means that a […]

Two New Additional EIV Income Reports

To alleviate any confusion out there in regards to the two new additional EIV reports: The “No Income Reported on 50059” and the “No Income Reported by HHS or SSA” are REQUIRED to be used in conjunction with and be described in your EIV Use Policy and Procedure Manual. These reports Identify tenants who passed […]

Section 8 Child Support Deduction and Verification

I have never been a single parent so I can only speculate through the experience of my friends that it is not an easy task. Collecting Child Support can also be a difficult process because you are somewhat powerless as to whether you are going to be able to collect those funds from the working […]

Purchase the NEWLY published 4350.3 Rev. 1 Chg. 4 with tabs for $150

The NEW 4350.3, Rev 1, Change 4 was just released today. Many sites will now have outdated HUD Occupancy Handbooks. Order a new one today for your site and all of your sites so they are up to date.This is a “must have” handbook for any property which services HUD affordable housing properties!! Our HUD […]

Mileage as a Medical Deduction for Qualified Section 8 Tenants

When I attend the TRACS Industry meetings (and depending on the conversation) I usually hear attendees advocating for the property managers of affordable housing. Things which resonate to me: “What would make things easier for the property managers?”, “that is making it complicated and too burdensome on the property managers!”. It makes me feel good […]

Prohibition of inquiries on sexual orientation or gender identity in Subsidized Housing

Remember that for affordable housing, it is not mandatory for a person who does not want to indicate their sexuality/orientation and may leave the M/F field blank. According to 24 CFR 5.105(a)(2)(ii):

(ii) Prohibition of inquiries on sexual orientation or gender identity. No owner or administrator of HUD-assisted or HUD-insured housing, approved lender in an […]


The legal skirmishing of the PBCA selection process has delayed this announcement now for quite some time, however the affordable housing industry has been waiting patiently for this eventual announcement. So as of June 3, 2013, the status of the PBCA NOFA is this:

“Unless HUD is prohibited from doing so by the United States […]

Top 10 Posts for all days ending 06-18-2013


Top 10 Posts for all days ending 06-18-2013


When a Section 8 Tenant Dodges Income

One of the goals of HUD’s RHIIP initiative is to reduce over payments and underpayments which they have done through the Enterprise Income Verification system (EIV). The creation of the EIV system has really helped in the recovery of HUD funds for those over-payments of HUD subsidy. My feeling is that the EIV system was […]

Screening Affordable Housing Tenants for Drug Abuse and Other Criminal Activity

Dealing with Section 8 tenants who may be involved with drugs or addiction is hard enough for a family. But, according to the HUD Occupancy handbook, the Owner/Agent has the responsibility to protect the residents; “Owners must establish written screening criteria to prohibit the admission of certain individuals who have engaged in drug-related criminal behavior, […]

TRACS 202D and Repayment Agreements

Although I have previously written an article on this subject before it wasn’t until now that there was some more clarity from TRACS 202D and the impending TRACS release in September. Through this release we now have a recovery system in place through a new Section 7 of the MAT 30 record. However the question […]

The HUD Required Security Deposit Amount

All affordable housing leases and rental agreements require a security deposit. This is a dollar amount, usually one month’s rent, that’s intended to cover damage to the premises beyond normal wear and tear, and to cushion the financial blow if a tenant skips out early on the lease without paying. However the security deposit rules […]


The proverbial can has been kicked down the road once more. This announcement has now delayed the PBCA Awards again. This message is from the: NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) for the Performance-Based Contract Administrator (PBCA) Program for the Administration of Project-Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contracts: “Litigation had been filed in the Court […]

Timing of HUD Section 8 Tenant Reported Income

After spending my beginning years in technical support at an affordable housing software company I was often asked many questions in regard to the timing of tenant reported income.

I would always refer them to the HUD 4350.3 Handbook as it gives the best examples. In my opinion, I think each revision of the 4350.3 […]

The Form HUD-9834 (MOR) has finally been re-released

A revised form HUD-9834 Management Reviews of Multifamily Projects is now available from our webpage. Links/MOR Forms/HUD-9834.doc. The form now has an expiration date of 02/28/2015 and is to be implemented for Management Reviews for Multifamily Housing Projects performed on or after December 4, 2012. All Management Reviews started prior to December 4, 2012, […]

The 2013 HUD income limits are now available!

HUD announced today that the FY2013 HUD Income Limits are now available and effective 12/11/2012

Unauthorized Occupancy in a Section 8 Unit

Two’s company, three is a crowd…unless the third person is pitching in for the rent and other utilities. But what do you do when you have a person in a Section 8 unit who is not on the lease? Unauthorized occupancy is the most difficult thing in the world to prove in affordable housing. You […]

2013 Operating Cost Adjustment Factors (OCAFs) Published

The Operating Cost Adjustment Factors (OCAF) for 2013 were published in the October 16, 2012 Federal Register. These factors are used for adjusting or establishing Section 8 rents under the Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 (MAHRA), as amended, for projects assisted with Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments. The factors are effective […]

Exercising a Reasonable Accommodation in HUD Multifamily

What do we do as affordable housing Owners/Property managers of a Section 8 property when an Applicant requests a “Reasonable Accommodation” and it turns out the applicant fabricated the need just so they could have a larger unit? Here is a story of how


Revised Protocol for Placing a Flag in the Active Partners Performance System (APPS)

Today, HUD published Notice H 2012-16 “Extension of Housing Notice H 2011-24: Re-issuance of Revised Protocol for Placing a Flag in the Active Partners Performance System (APPS) when a Property Receives a Physical Inspection Score below 60 but Above 30.”

Notice H 2011-24 clarified the protocol for placing flags in the APPS when a property […]

HUD Subsidized Properties Affected by Hurricane Isaac

Hurricane Isaac is projected to affect all of the Gulf states. Therefore, HUD is requesting that you do the following:

Assure that there is an evacuation plan for elderly and disabled residents who live in your properties, and be prepared to provide HUD with your plan if requested. If residents are evacuated, please advise us […]

Another Completed Affordable Housing File Audit

Undergoing a file audit on your Section 8 property is a major undertaking. I think some folks are a bit nervous about somebody coming to “check their work.” Nobody likes to have their work criticized. But honestly the focus or the thoughts should be…”I’m finally having somebody check my files to make sure I didn’t […]

The Timing of the EIV and You Brochure

JUST A REMINDER: HUD stipulated in the HUD Notice, H 2011-25 (dated Sept 20) which clarifies obligations for provision of the brochure to current residents and applicants of affordable housing who are selected from the waiting list. Owner/Agents (O/A) using the EIV system must provide each tenant household with the EIV & You brochure at […]