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Affordable Housing Training - Dealing with Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity ($205.00/person):

This 2 day, 2 hour session will provide both property managers and service coordinators with insights into the importance of Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity in the work place. Participants will gain strategies and tips to avoid negative findings.

Cultural Awareness becomes central when we have to interact with people from other cultures. People see, interpret and evaluate things in a different ways. What is considered an appropriate behavior in one culture is frequently inappropriate in another one. Misunderstandings arise when I use my meanings to make sense of your reality.

Our Culture Awareness Training provides an understanding of the different cultural rules and behaviours that exist, how we react to these differences and how to avoid misunderstandings to improve business and personal success.


Becoming aware of our cultural dynamics is a difficult task because culture is not conscious to us. Since we are born we have learned to see and do things at an unconscious level. Our experiences, our values and our cultural background lead us to see and do things in a certain way. Sometimes we have to step outside of our cultural boundaries in order to realize the impact that our culture has on our behavior. It is very helpful to gather feedback from foreign colleagues on our behavior to get more clarity on our cultural traits.


Our Culture Awareness Training course typically includes:

  • What is cultural awareness?
  • Cultural values and attitudes (time, space, group dynamics, authority, tasks, relationships)
  • Communication styles
  • Cross-cultural management skills
  • Working together across cultures
  • Developing cultural awareness
  • Language issues



Our Culture Awareness Training course will provide you with:

  • In-depth cultural awareness and understanding of the impact of cultural differences
  • The necessary foundation and tools to become culturally competent
  • A better understanding of the cultural challenges facing multicultural workplaces
  • The opportunity to enhance cultural sensitivity and competence
  • Practical tools to reduce cross-cultural misunderstanding and encourage positive cross-cultural working relationships


Our Culture Awareness Training course will be of benefit if you:

  • Your organisation is growing its business beyond national borders
  • You and your staff are increasingly working with colleagues in other countries
  • Your staff is becoming more culturally diverse
  • You are involved in multinational projects and programmes