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4350.3 Rev. 1 Chg. 3, HUD Handbook Exam

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1.  53 year old head of household, wife is 60 years old and 28 year old handicapped daughter who lives with them. Can we claim daughter's medical expenses? Can we claim the daughter as a dependent?
  A. Med. Expenses: Maybe. Dependent: Maybe
2. Tenant just came in and told me he started a second job today earning $5000 a year. Today is 10/28/06. For what effective date do I process the cert? What action type of cert should it be if his annual recert date is June?
  A. Oct. 1, 2006 Interim Recertification
B. Nov. 1, 2006 Annual Recertification
C. Jan. 1, 2007 Initial Recertification
D. Dec. 1, 2006 Interim Recertification
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3. Tenant came in and told me he started a second job on June 23, 2006 earning an additional $5000.00 a year. Today is December 8, 2006. For what effective date do I process the cert? Do I give the tenant 30 Day notice?
  A. AR with effective date of 7/1/06 No notice is necessary
B. IR with effective date of 7/1/06 No notice is necessary
C. IR with effective date of 8/1/06 You must give a notice
D. IR with effective date of 6/1/06 Only if you want to
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4. The first two characters of a Section 8 Contract Number identify what?
  A. State where HUD exists
B. State where you were born
C. State where project exists
D. State of Confusion
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5. Dad works earning $10,000 a year. Mom works earning $2000.00 a year. $1100.00 is paid for childcare. What amount should go in Item 86 of the 50059?
  A. $12,000.00
B. $10,000.00
C. $10,500.00
D. $11,100.00
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6. A family has 3 children of their own and 2 foster children. All the children are under 15 years old. How much should be claimed in Item 97 of the 50059?
  A. $480.00
B. $2,400.00
C. $1,440.00
D. $960.00
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7. A handicapped woman gets $6000.00 a year from SS and SSI. Her live-in attendant earns $10,000.00 with their mail order vitamin business. Item 86 of the 50059 should indicate what amount?
  A. $16,000.00
B. $10,000.00
C. $ 6,000.00
D. $ 4,000.00
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8. The 16 year old son earns $2000.00 a year as a part time grocery clerk. Dad earns $12000.00 a year. What amount goes in Item 86 of the 50059?
  A. $2,000.00
B. $14,000.00
C. $12,000.00
D. $18,000.00
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9. When should move-ins and move outs be reported on the HAP? Hint: Check the Appendicies
  A. After, they have already occurred
B. When you feel like it
C. At the end of a month
D. On some future HAP
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10. Normally, if a household moved in on the 22nd of April, what would the MM/DD of their Annual Recertification (AR) be each year?
  A. May 1st of each year.
B. April 1st of each year.
C. June 1st of each year.
D. March 1st of each year.
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11. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  A. As much as he wants.
B. As little as he wants.
C. As much as she wants.
D. As little as she wants.
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12. The elderly tenant, living alone, has an annual pension (SS) income of $15,000.00 a year and no asset income. He also has Medical Expenses of $2300.00 a year. What should Item 107 have for an amount? What is the Adjusted annual income, the Adjusted Monthly income and the TTP?
  A. ADJ=$15,000. Monthly ADJ=$1,250. TTP=$375.
B. ADJ=$12,300. Monthly ADJ=$1,025. TTP=$308.
C. ADJ=$14,600. Monthly ADJ=$1,217. TTP=$365.
D. ADJ=$12,750. Monthly ADJ=$1,063. TTP=$319.
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13. A woman receives $6000.00 a year for TANF (AFDC). She also receives $200.00 a month in Food Stamps. No asset income. What amount should appear in Item 86 of the 50059?
  A. $6,200.00
B. $5,000.00
C. $6,000.00
D. $200.00
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14. A customer calls asking, "How can a tenant's TTP be $100.00 when his annual income is $12,000.00 a year, but his Item 108 is only a mere $2400.00 a year? This does not seem right!!! Fix this!
  A. $100.00
B. $200.00
C. $300.00
D. $400.00
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15. If the head and spouse in a unit are both elderly and disabled, why can’t I claim $800.00 as the elderly household allowance in Item 108? What should the Elderly Deduction be?
  A. $100.00
B. $200.00
C. $300.00
D. $400.00
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16. A resident dies. The family can't remove the possessions until 4 wks after his death. If he passed away on 05/02/11, how long could the property collect subsidy on the unit?
  A. 5/02/2011
B. 5/16/2011
C. 6/01/2011
D. 5/31/2011
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17. A single elderly person moved into a unit. She has a savings account of $9000.00 and has a yearly income from the asset of $265.00. In Item 86 of the 50059 would I include $265.00 or the amount I get when I compute Imputed Income from assets in Item 84?
  A. Actual income from assets
B. Just the total of assets
C. A percentage of the value of family assets based upon the current passbook savings rate as established by HUD.
D. The greater of A and B
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18. A handicapped man, living alone, has a legitimate $2700 disability assistance expense. His annual income, is $18,000. What amount should be in the Adjusted Income field of the 50059?
  A. $15,440.00
B. $18,000.00
C. $12,300.00
D. None of the above
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19. A family makes $8300 per yr. They have 2 kids, ages 8 & 14. Child care work expenses paid is $4000 per year for each child. What is the valid child care expense for the 50059?
  A. $4,000.00
B. $8,300.00
C. $8,000.00
D. $3,200.00
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20. A single, elderly resident with no assets or expenses reports on 6/01/2011 that her income went from $690.00 a month to $912.00. When processing an IR, what should be in Item 13 of the 50059, and what will her new TTP be?
  A. IR 6/1/11, TTP = $274
B. IR 7/1/11, TTP = $274
C. IR 8/1/11, TTP = $25
D. IR 7/1/11, TTP = $264
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21. Should $3500 received as a student loan be counted as income on the 50059?
  A. No
B. Yes
C. Maybe
D. None of the above
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22. Is “hostile fire” special pay to a family member in the military to be counted as income on the 50059?
  A. None of these answers
B. Yes
C. It depends
D. No
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23. Are monies received from Alimony & child support to be counted as income on the 50059?
  A. No
B. Yes
C. Maybe
D. None of the above
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One of the residents hit the lottery and with their cash winnings bought a brand new Mercedes 560SLC. Can I count an expensive car like that as an asset, when completing an AR 50059 for this household?
  A. No
B. Yes
C. Not if they bought me something
D. None of the above
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25. The HOH (Head of Household) earns $15,000 per year. Her mom, who lives in the unit, takes care of her 4 year old son. She pays her mom $20.00/wk for childcare. Can this expense be counted on the 50059?
  A. Only if she is taking care of my 3 kids
B. Yes
C. No
D. None of the above
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26. When computing the Tenant Rent for a household on Section 236, the amount calculated is $834. If the Basic (Contract) Rent is $600 and the Market Rent is $794, what should the household pay for rent? Use the Easy Worksheet for guidance.
  A. $834.00
B. $600.00
C. $25.00
D. $794.00
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27. An elderly couple each receives Social Security. The husband receives a gross amount of $600.00/month. The wife receives $612.00/month. The Medicare premiums deducted are $66.60/month for each of them. If there are no assets and no other medical expenses involved, what amount would appear in Item 107 of the 50059?
  A. $12,982.00
B. $13,382.00
C. $14,544.00
D. None of the above
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28. Does an 18 year old high school senior need any special status code to be claimed as a dependent? What about a 14 year old high school freshman?
  A. No/Yes
B. Yes/No
C. Yes/Yes
D. No/No
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29. Every once in a while, Mrs. Jones mom may slip her a $20 for some extra groceries. Should these “gifts” be counted as part of the household’s income?
  A. Only if she is baking me some cookies
B. Yes
C. No
D. None of the above
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30. If the Contract Rent is $600, the Utility Allowance is $80, and the Gross Rent is $680, what would a Section 8 Market Rent household pay for rent to the property?
  A. Tenant Rent is $680.
B. Tenant Rent is $520.
C. Tenant Rent is $1,200.
D. Tenant Rent is $600.
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31. What is the limitation on the amount of child care expense that can be claimed when someone is looking for work?
  A. It is limited to the extent of earned employment income.
B. It is limited to how well they are looking for work.
C. No limitation
D. It is limited to half of the earned employment income
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32. A property has a $25.00 minimum rent (TTP) rule in place. If a household’s TTP is calculated to $14.00 and they have a Utility Allowance of $55.00, what would be the TTP, Tenant Rent, Utility Reimbursement and Assistance Payment when the Gross Rent for the Unit is $678? (Use a blank 50059 to fill in the Items if it makes it easier) See 5-26(D)(2) Example
  A. TR= $0. TTP=$25, UR=$30, AP=$653
B. TR= $0. TTP=$14, UR=$55, AP=$653
C. TR= $0. TTP=$50, UR=$30, AP=$653
D. None of the above
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33. A household’s AR date is December. If a household’s income went from $614 to $682 per month in April, is the household required to report this change in income to the occupancy manager?
  A. Only if it’s a leap year
B. Yes
C. If the moment moves them
D. No
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34. An elderly resident has chosen to switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses. Are contact lenses a legitimate medical expense?
  A. None of the below
B. Yes
C. Only if they were on sale with a rebate
D. No
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35. An elderly couple each receives Social Security. The husband and wife receive a gross combined total of $1031/month for Social Security. The Medicare premiums deducted are $78.20/month for each of them. They also have other medical expenses of $7,955.00. They have a savings account that earns 1.0% interest on an average balance of $3,600.00. The TTP for this household would be ________?
  A. TTP = $124.
B. TTP = $21.
C. TTP = $103.
D. TTP = $121
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36. A 40 year old handicapped man and his 8 year old son live together. He receives TANF of 300.00/month. He also receives Child support from his wife at 1,800.00/year. He also has a part-time job, earning $475.00/month. He also receives food stamps allocation of $120.00/month. He has a legitimate disability assistance expense of $589.00/year. He pays a neighbor to watch his son after school, paying her an average of $24.00/week. What would the TTP be for this household?
  A. TTP = $93.
B. TTP = $218.
C. TTP = $103.
D. None of the above.
Where did you find the answer?
37. The HUD forms 9887 and 9887-A are commonly referred to as what?
  A. The Privacy Act.
B. The Consent and Release of Information forms
C. Last Will and Testament
D. None of the above.
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38. A Section 8 resident living in a Section 236 property decides that he doesn’t want to go through the recertification process and is willing to pay market rent. Would the household have to pay the Market Rent amount for Section 8 or the Market Rent amount for Section 236?
  A. The BMIR Rent
B. The Section 236 Market Rent
C. The Operating Rent
D. The Section 8 Market Rent.
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39. In a PRAC 811 property, 30% of the monthly Item 107 for a household is $400(TTP). If the Operating Rent for the unit is $320 and there is no Utility Allowance, what would the household pay for rent?
  A. TTP=$400.
B. TTP=$720.
C. TTP=$320.
D. None of the above.
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40. A property has a $25.00 minimum rent rule in place. If 30% of the household’s monthly Item #110 equals $29.00 and they have a Utility Allowance of $54.00 in a unit in which the Gross Rent is $577.00, what would be the TTP, Tenant Rent, Utility Reimbursement and Assistance Payment on the 50059, when the Gross Rent for the Unit is $577.00?
  A. TR= $0. TTP=$25, UR=$30, AP=$653
B. TR= $0. TTP=$14, UR=$55, AP=$653
C. TR= $0. TTP=$29 UR=$54, AP=$548
D. None of the above
Where did you find the answer?
41. Which one of the programs below are not subject to the HUD 4350 Handbook?
  A. Section 221,Below-Market Interest Rate
B. Rent Supplement
C. Section 8 Project-Based Assistance
D. Section 42 (IRS)
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42. The HUD 4350 Handbook is addressed to:
  A. Superman
B. Tenants, O/A's, HUD Field Office Staff, PBCA and TCA
C. Captain America
D. Aquaman
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43. Under the Fair Housing Act, owners or other housing providers must not take any of the actions listed below based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin:
  A. Deny anyone the opportunity to apply for housing;
B. Subject anyone to segregation;
C. Pick favorites from the Waiting List
D. Treat anyone differently in determining eligibility
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44. Although Section 504 often overlaps with the disability discrimination prohibitions of the Fair Housing Act, it differs in that it also imposes broader affirmative obligations on owners to make their programs as a whole, accessible to persons with disabilities. These obligations exclude which of the following:
  A. Making and paying for reasonable structural modifications to units and/or common areas that are needed by applicants and tenants with disabilities, unless these modifications would change the fundamental nature of the project or result in undue financial and administrative burdens;
B. Offering Spa services and valet parking for tenants
C. Performing a self-evaluation of the owner’s program and policies to ensure that they do not discriminate based on disability.
D. Operating their programs in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities.
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45. Reasonable house rules are within the bounds of common sense. They are not excessive or extreme, and most importantly, they are fair. There is a list below which identifies examples of reasonable and unreasonable house rules. Which ones do you think are some unreasonable rules?
  A. Prohibiting a visitor in a tenant’s apartment during nighttime.
B. Prohibiting smoking in the common areas of the building.
C. Asking tenants to turn sound equipment low after a certain time at night.
D. Asking tenants to turn the lights off after a certain time at night.
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46. When an owner determines that a transfer is required, the Model Lease for Subsidized Programs states that the tenant must not do one of the following:
  A. May remain in the unit and pay the HUD-approved market rent; or
B. Must move within 30 days after the owner notifies the family that a unit of the required size is available within the property.
C. Trash the unit and move to the Bahamas
D. All of the above
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47. Failure of the tenant to submit all of the required information on household income and composition in a timely manner will result in material noncompliance with the lease and ultimately result in the termination of tenancy. Please indicate which examples yield this result
  A. Submit required evidence of citizenship or eligible immigration status;
B. Sign and submit consent forms allowing verification of info regarding the tenant's income and eligibility.
C. Refusal to sign the repayment agreement
D. All of the above
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48. As part of their eviction standards, owners may consider all of the circumstances relevant to a particular eviction case, except which one?
  A. The seriousness of the offending action;
B. The effect on the community of terminating or not terminating tenancy;
C. The extent of the tenant’s participation in the offending action;
D. Tenant won’t pay off property manager
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An individual permanently confined to a nursing home or hospital may not be named as family head, spouse, or co-head but may continue as a family member at the family’s discretion. The family’s decision on whether or not to include the permanently confined family member as a family member determines if that person’s income will be counted. Which one of these statements has nothing to do with the referenced chapter?
  A. Include the tenants pet as a family member and the income and allowable deductions related to the medical care of the tenants pet;
B. Include the individual as a family member and the income and allowable deductions related to the medical care of the permanently confined individual are counted;
C. Exclude the individual as a family member and the income and allowances based on the medical care of the permanently confined individual are not counted.
D. None of the above
Where did you find the answer?
When an owner adopts residency preferences, HUD requires that the owner not consider the following as residents:
  A. Applicants who work in the jurisdiction;
B. Applicants who love Led Zeppelin
C. Applicants who have been hired to work in the jurisdiction;
D. Applicants who are expected to live in the jurisdiction as a result of planned employment
Where did you find the answer?
    Please answer the following True/False questions:
  True     False
1. If more than one federal law applies to a situation, the laws should be read and applied together. Where one law imposes a more restrictive requirement or standard on the owner than another, the more restrictive requirement or standard is controlling as to federal law.
2. The HUD 4350 handbook describes the occupancy requirements and procedures governing the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program?
3. The HUD 4350 handbook provides an overview of key federal civil rights and nondiscrimination requirements that pertain to admissions and occupancy in properties subject to the handbook.
4. Any housing constructed for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, must be designed in accordance with the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act in addition to the Section 504 requirements on accessibility.
5. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in most housing and housing related transactions with respect to the following bases: Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Disability, Familial status, National origin.
6. An owner should be certain that all services at the project are supplied in a nondiscriminatory fashion.
7. Title VI doesn’t prohibit any recipients of federal financial assistance from discriminating based on race, color, or national origin. Title VI also doesn’t apply to any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, not just housing.
8. It is not a violation of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 to use age as screening criteria in a particular program if age distinctions are permitted by statute for that program or if age distinctions are a factor necessary for the normal operation of the program or the achievement of a statutory objective of the program or activity.
9. Subject to state and local laws, an owner may use the tenant’s security deposit for any unpaid speeding tickets or other personal amounts the owner owes.
10. A tenant must sign a Gross Rent Change when there is a change in the contract rent amount

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